
Book Review: The Story of Muhammad ṣall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam In Makkah

Salam Alaykum,

All of us are in need of reading the story of our beloved prophet Muhammad ṣall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam and this book i recommend for the new Muslim, the born Muslim, the young, the old and also the non Muslim, yes it is for you too!

You could say it's generally aimed at children as it's beautifully illustrated ma shaa Allah

 but don't let that stop you buying if you don't have children!

The font style, size is very appealing too but most of all it's the actual story, not just any story but a true story that is captivating and makes you want to pick the book up and read over and over again.

I'm looking forward to purchasing and reading the concluding book The Story of Muhammad ṣall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam  In Madinah in shaa Allah but also as the name at the top of the book suggests 'Stories of the Prophets' there are other books in the series that are available too.

I purchased this book from Salafi Book Store the store gave me free of charge dawah leaflets too, may Allah reward them.

One thing to note is although the book is good quality considering the price, if you are reading or should i say trying to read it to a near 2 year old that won't keep her hands to herself, be careful because the pages are easily pulled out! failing that save it until she/he is older.


  1. Aww mashaAllah what a good book! :-)
    I know what you mean about the little ones not being able to keep their hands of the book...
    Phew, my two little cousins are crazy about it! :-)

    Jazakillahu khayran for sharing this review :-)

  2. Assalamu alayki Asmaa, Thank you for the review. I have not read this one with the kids though we have the Story of Prophet Aadam, may peace and blessings be upon him from this series. They enjoyed it. Will look out for this one inshaAllah.

  3. Thank you for your nice comments sisters <3


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