
Lamb, Turnip & Potatoe Tagine

Asalam Alaykum,

Warm, hearty comforting Meat and Potatoes is satisfaction 'foodified' Alhamdu lillah you will definitely be satisfied when eating this tagine.

Saffron is the power house again in this recipe that gives that sunshine golden hue and the pleasant bitter honey taste.

The recipe can be found over at cooking with Alia  i made a few small changes:-

  • Halving the recipe quantities except the spices to make it suitable for 2-3 people
  • Missed out the finely chopped parsley as i don't like parsley
  • I used 1 Turnip and 2 potatoes instead of 3 Turnip
  • I used lamb on the bone instead of small chunks
I certainly plan on making this dish again in sha Allah


  1. Asalam waliykum sis.
    Nice to read your blog. I am Moroccan... but my great grand fathers from both parents are from Algeria!
    I love lamb tagine... and you can make it how you like. Dont stick to any recipe make it your own. It looks really yummy.
    I dislike "cooking with Alia" for personal and professional reasons...anywho...

    I love Chicken Tagine with potatoes, carrots and peas with lots and lots of coriander and parsley.

  2. Wa Alaykum Salam,

    Welcome to my blog and thank you for all the lovely comments, i'm not Algerian but my husband is. I try my best to cook Algerian food but it's going to take years of practice and even then i'm sure he will always love his mum's food the most : )


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