
Lemon & Thyme Bread Rolls

Asalam Alaykum Sisters, Hello Ladies,
How are you all? I've had a long week taking care of my poorly children, Alhamdulillah it's nothing major they have colds along with swollen gums due to teething for my youngest.
We have had quite a number of sunny days here this week Masha'Allah but not helpful when making pastry coupled with the kids being sick and needing extra care and attention i've not had the time or desire to do Take 2  of Vanilla Custard Slice, it is quite a time consuming process after all but certainly on my to do to bake list.
I have managed however, to get in the kitchen at some point this week to bake, bread and not just any bread either.
These Lemon and Thyme rolls appear on the surface nothing different to the norm but hidden away inside there are jewels of citrus flavour and aromatic thyme.

Unlike pastry, Bread Baking is easy, all you need is your hands/stand mixer if you like the hands free approach and patience to let the rolls rise.

Using fast action yeast makes the rise time even quicker as there is no need to let the dough rise in a bowl for an hour first and then another rise time after shaping , you can simply go right ahead knead, divide up your dough, shape into balls, let rise for an hour and then bake.

I hope I've encouraged you to get in the kitchen and bake these, if you prefer you can swap the thyme for coriander, forget the lemon all together or both and you will still end up with pleasant rolls  just without the punch of flavour.

Lemon & Thyme Bread Rolls

Makes: 12


  • 500grams strong white bread flour
  • 2teaspoons fine sea salt
  • 2tablespoons fresh thyme leaves only, this equals about 12 average size thyme sprigs, remove small leaves from woody stem.
  • 1 lemon, zest only = about 1/2tablespoon
  • 1 x 7g sachet fast action yeast
  • 1/2tablespoon runny honey
  • 2tablespoon extra virgin olive oil plus more for work surface, hands, brushing roll tops before baking.
  • 300ml* lukewarm water
*The amount of water depends on the quality, absorption rate of the flour you use so be careful and add a little at a time, remember you can always add more but you can't take away if you've put too much, you need just enough to make a shaggy dough (see picture below) before kneading.


  • Weigh then place bread flour in a large bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer. Sprinkle salt evenly over surface of flour then mix, i use a butter knife to do this but a spoon is ok too.
  • Sprinkle lemon zest and thyme leaves over flour, mix
  • Sprinkle yeast and pout honey evenly over flour, mix
  • Make well in center of flour, add olive oil and water, mix adding more water until a shaggy dough is formed.
  • Knead for 10 minutes by hand or 5 minutes in your stand mixer until you have a smooth dough like this:
  • Lightly oil hands, lift out the dough and weigh, as you see mine was 841gram, divide by 12 = 70.08 each dough bowl has to be around 70grams so divide up your dough into 12 portions and then shape into round balls, here is how i did it, thank you to my son for the helping hand!
1.-4. -  On a lightly oiled surface, flatten dough into a disk, fold each 'side' into center, this creates a 'spine' enabling the dough to rise evenly.
5 - 6 Flip ball over,  shape into a neater ball shape by placing your right hand like a cage over the ball. With your fingers touching the surface at all times move you hand in a circular motion to get nicely shaped rolls.
  • Place rolls on a lined baking sheet and brush tops with olive oil to prevent the cling film from sticking. Leave to rise at room temperature  for1 hour. 
  • After an hour add an old roasting tin to the lower rack of  your oven and pre-heat to 220C/200c (Fan), total rising time will end up being about 1 hour 10-20 minutes.  
  • Once your oven is ready, carefully take out the hot roasting tin, add ice cubes or pour cold water into your very hot roasting tin and place back in oven. The cold water hitting your hot roasting tin creates steam. Steam is ideal when baking to get the best rise out of your bread and create a crisp crust. 
  • Bake bread rolls on middle rack of oven for 15minutes. Remove roasting tin after 8minutes. 
  • Remove rolls from oven and transfer to cooling rack.

Serving suggestion: serve with your favourite chicken soup. Also these rolls would be great as part of a tasty chicken salad sandwich.
Until my next post, Fee Amanlillah


  1. These bread rolls look brilliant mashaAllah and just right with some soup on these freezing days. Sorry your children haven't been well lately, hope it hasn't been too much for you. When the kids are poorly it is heart breaking.
    Hope you are well and taking it easy yourself. I found your pinterst page too!

    1. Thank you sis. I will look for you on pinterest aswell in sha Allah

  2. Asalam Alaykum, I have never tried lemon and thyme but I can just imagine how good they would be together. I love bread and soup so this meal is a win in my book mashAllah.

    InshAllah the babies feel better soon.

    1. Wa Alaykum Asalam,

      Thank you for stopping by, you should give these rolls a go sometime in sha Allah.

  3. Can we use normal self raising or plain flour? I just bought some yeast and don't want to go back to shops!

    1. You could try plain flour sister, you might just want to knead the dough a few minutes more than stated in the recipe. Let me know how they turn out. x

  4. Assalamu Alaykum, wow lovely pictures, seems really tasty :-) beautiful blog btw. ^.^

    1. Wa Alaykum Salam Dana,
      Thank you for dropping by you should make them some time in sha Allah also i'm pleased you like the new blog design.

  5. These look really good and homey. People hardly bake bread themselves now but it is worth putting that much effort. Lemon and thyme, this sounds really refreshing. Might try it in summer. (:

    1. Thank you for stopping by sister, yes homemade bread is worth the effort and always taste best as it's fresher than most shop bought ones you buy.

      I agree, the lemon in the bread makes it really refreshing and serving these rolls alongside any chicken is an absolute winner as chicken goes well with both both lemon and thyme.

      In sha Allah you try these in the summer. I'm looking forward to your next post btw x


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