
Algerian Tamina: Toasted Semolina & Honey Dessert

As-Salamu Alaikum / Peace be upon you Sister and Hello dear reader,

Tamina is a very old Algerian recipe served usually to celebrate the birth of a new baby but can be made an enjoyed all year round especially when desiring something super sweet.

It just so happens mashaAllah / as God willed, I gave birth little over a week ago to my third child, Zayd, he and I are both doing well Alhamdulillah/All praise and thanks be to God so I thought it would be a good idea to share this recipe on the blog.

I am no expert on breastfeeding however, I've certainly found that consuming Semolina either in this dessert form or bread such as Kesra increases my milk production, so for all you breastfeeding mothers who are struggling in those first few days after birth, you have more than 1 child to feed  or you just want to increase your milk production for those growth spurts your little one goes through, This dessert is something I would recommend you try.

My version of this Algerian classic is by no means the authentic Algerian Tamina recipe. I have used a dairy free substitute in place of butter in order for my 2year old daughter (has dairy allergy) to be able to enjoy this dessert along with the rest of the family but I really think it tastes just as good if not better as it is a little dare I say, healthier!


Adapted from here


500 grams Coarse Semolina
250 grams Butter or Vegan Margarine as the one pictured above
250 grams Runny Honey
2 tablespoons Orange Blossom Water
Almonds, Sugar decorations to decorate (optional)


Add semolina to a large non stick frying pan / skillet and turn on the heat to high, constantly stir the semolina grains to avoid burning.

You want to toast the semolina until it's the same colour as sand it will take anyway between 10-20 minutes, once you smell the semolina toasting you may want to reduce the heat to medium/low so that you have more control i.e. that it doesn't burn and don't forget you can always pre-heat your frying pan which would reduce the time it takes to toast the semolina just I prefer or feel more at ease to bring the pan up to heat along with the semolina inside.

Once your semolina as toasted transfer into a large bowl and set aside.  
Melt the butter/vegan margarine in the frying pan.

Add the Honey
Add the Orange Blossom Water and Stir

Return the Semolina to the frying pan

and slowly mix all the ingredients together until it forms into what resembles damp/wet sand.

Spoon into desired moulds, I used my silicone star cake cases but you can always be more traditional and serve it on small plates, decorate with nuts, cake decorations as desired.

I made this tamina a few days before I gave birth, not much was left when I returned home from the hospital but alhamdulillah I managed to sneak in a few for breakfast (it's not really a breakfast staple in Algeria lol) one morning before labour day as some of instagram followers may recall the photo below....
Until my next post in sha Allah / God Willing.......As-Salamu Alaikum / Peace Be Upon You


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