
Fudgy Brownies (chocolate cherry)


As-Salaamu Alaykum,

Baking in recent months has taken a bit of a back seat but that doesn't mean I've lost my passion for it, no siree!

These chewy crusted, rich fudgy Brownies engrained in me that yes you can be pushed for time, with children pulling at your apron strings (metaphorically speaking) and still make a really tasty treat in less than an hour.

I used a naturally flavoured cherry cocoa powder I bought from sugarandcrumbs they stock a variety of flavoured cocoas and icing sugars all a bit pricey but a little goes a long way as they are strongly flavoured.

The kids and I lapped these brownies up and although yes the cherry flavour was pleasant it was the texture that made these brownies irresistible.

I'm not a black sour cherry fan, which begs the question I ask myself, why go out of your flavour comfort zone? Well I did get inspired when I saw the hairy bikers make a B.F.G. (Black Forest Gateau) a while ago on TV and thought yes I'm onto a winner so when I was umming and arrring (Yorkshire talk for pondering) over which flavour to choose from the array of flavoured cocoa and icing sugars over at sugar and crumbs, cherry came in at no.1 I have to say I can't wait to try their coffee and caramel flavoured icing sugars next, insha'Allah

For the original recipe click here but as I used wholemeal flour and I reduced the sugar a little due to the flavoured cocoa containing dextrose here is my recipe.

Fudgy Chocolate Cherry Brownies


2grams baking soda
80ml sunflower oil
150ml boiling water
380grams white sugar
2 medium eggs
80ml sunflower oil
165grams wholemeal plain flour (allinsons brand I prefer)
2grams fine sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
  2. In a large bowl, stir together the cocoa and baking soda. Add 80ml sunflower oil and boiling water. Mix until well blended and thickened. Stir in the sugar, eggs, and remaining 80ml oil. Finally, add the flour and salt; mix just until all of the flour is absorbed. Spread evenly into the prepared pan.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Allow to cool before cutting into desired portions.


  1. They look delicious! I've yet to master a good brownie bake - all the failed attempts mean I'm no longer 'allowed' to make them. But I might just have to sneak a go at this ;)

    1. Thank you, you really should have a go at these and your family will thank you insha'Allah

  2. These look wonderful Asmaa mashAllah! I have the same habit as you where I also pick up things as the grocery store thinking, "How cool!" Haha!
    By the way, I'm not sure if I told you this last time or not, but I'm loving the new look of your blog!

    1. Thank you and yes I'm a sucker for all quirky things baking / food related lol yes you did mention in Barak Allahu Fiki

  3. mmm choc & cherry is one of my fave combos! bet they taste as good as they look :)

    1. :) they did taste nice abit like those we used to have at school in texture. I miss school pasta salads, brownies, and double choc chip cookies!

  4. Looks delish :) I love brownies, but never make them at home - have about 3 times in my life.
    Ha ha, I also miss the school brownies. What id they put in it to make it so memorable?

    1. Thank you :-) why noy bake these and make it no.4, you won't regret it insha'Allah
      I'm not sure but Brownies were a definite highlight of a mundane school day lol

  5. Never seen any sort of cherry flavoured cocoa powder before, sounds a hips!!!
    Good job with your brownies...

  6. Tempting... I love brownies and baking, yet never tried to do one at home. In Sha Allah, will try this one...

    P.S Here through Muslima Bloggers directory, hopping over to connect with more sisters in faith!

    1. As-Salamu Alaykum Nish,
      Thank you for visiting and leaving me a comment, in sha Allah you will enjoy baking and eating these brownies. barak Allah Fiki.


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